Cinderella 2018 Cast & Production Team
Director - Dean Verbeeck
Fairy Godmother – Liz Bevan
Cinderella – Ania Davies
Denny Twp – Denys Jenkins BEM
Ugly Sister ‘Khloe’ – Dean Verbeeck
Ugly Sister ‘Kourtney’ – Gregory Arthur
Baroness Hardashian – Alan Williams
Baron Hardashian – Wynne Seabourne
Legget – Sean Davies
Bodget – Mark S Rees
Prince Charming – Ben Thomas
Dandini – Stephen McDermid
Chambers – Luke Massagiero
Friendship Dancers and Babes.
Choreographer – Melanie Sullivan
Senior Dancers
Kelsie Andrews – Emily James – Caitlyn Jones – Cerys Lewis – Leah Owens –
Megan Owens – Ellie Pirie – Chloe Steer – Rosie Sullivan – Ellie Thomas
Babes Team A
Neve Brooks – Connie Dickerson – Talullah Evans –
Sophie Richards – Maisy Thornhill – Holly whitworth.
Babes Team B
Tanisha Hanley – Keira Hole – Sophie James – Rose Kneath –
Violet Kneath – Madison Stokes.
Production Team
Production Manager/ Stage Manager - David Jones
Assistant stage Manager - Derek Osborn
Deputy Stage Manager - Angela Osborn
Stage Crew - Luke Morgan, Jonathan Evans, Amy Evans
Cheryl Coulthard, Robert Green, Sian Davies, Gareth Evans
Alex Williams, James Brice, Tryffenna Evans,
Jonathan Williams, Becca Lloyd.
Front of House - Lois Jenkins, Marc Nichols, Irene Nichols, Jordan Bateman.
Props - Denys Jenkins, Lois Jenkins
Follow spots - Jon Rees, Rhian Rees
Sound - Stage Sound Services / Ffwrnes Theatre
Lighting and Av Designer- Mike Samuel
Special effects - Stage Lighting services, Cardiff / Imagine Theatre
Scenery - Scenic Projects LTD
Pyrotechnics - Luke Morgan, David Jones
Make-up - Brian Hughes, Sarah Arthur
Wardrobe - Cheryl Coulthard
Costumes - John Hill of Hinkly, Behind The Seams, Llanelli
Marketing and Publicity - Lois Jenkins, Gareth Keatley
A special thank you to the Technicians, Staff and management teams at Theatrau Sir Gar
Officers & Committee of FTG
President - Nigel Owens
Vice President - Leigh Halfpenny
Chairperson - Denys Jenkins BEM
Vice Chairperson - Brian Hughes
Secretary - Cheryl Coulthard
Treasurer - Gareth Keatley
Committee Members - Alan Williams, Jonathan Evans, David jones, Ffen Evans
NODA - National Operatic & Dramatic Association Report
27th January 2018
Venue: Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli.
Author: Luke Spencer
Cinderella was certainly the panto of choice this year for the amateur societies and I saw several fine productions. Of course, over the many years that Friendship Theatre have been performing, one has come to expect wonderful and magical things of this talented company and by jove this production did not disappoint.
Beautifully cast, as always, the ensemble added much to the production, singing heartily, staying well-focused on stage and there was some fabulous choreography with some talented dancers.
The principals were no strangers to the stage or indeed to the audience who eagerly awaited each arrival. Liz Bevan was the perfect Fairy Godmother, Wynne Seaborne donned the beard and ‘greyed-up’ for the part of Baron Hardashian and the wonderful Alan Willaims gave us a dame to remember as the Baroness. The Ugly Sisters, Khloe and Kourtney, worked well on stage together and delighted the audience and the gruesome twosome were played by director, Dean Verbeeck and Greg Arthur. The comedy trouble makers Legget and Bodget were played by Sean Davies and Mark S Rees and Danny Messagiero gave a great cameo performance as Chambers.
The inimitable Denny Twp, Denys Jenkins, thrilled the audience, as he always does, and was fabulous on stage with all members of the cast, bringing that certain ‘je ne c’est quoi’ that other pantomimes sometimes lack. Ben Thomas was a suitably charming Prince demonstaring a lovely voice and good stage presence and his side-kick Dandini was characterised excellently by Stephen Mcdermid. The title role of Cinderella was beautifully played by Ania Davies and she too had a lovely voice and had the perfect amount of vulnerability and a little sassiness thrown in too! There was a magical moment during the show, for which the technical team must be highly commended, as at the end of the first act Cinderella climbed aboard her carriage which then proceeded to fly high off the stage. It was a truly wonderful moment which had the audience out their seats in a well-deserved ovation! What an incredible moment indeed. Many thanks to the entire company and we very much look forward to next year!