Come and join us on our very first fairy tale ride to Neverland as Peter Pan tries to outwit his arch enemy Captain Hook in this swashbuckling pantomime adventure.
With guaranteed laughter throughout, amazing costumes, spectacular scenery and jaw dropping special effects. A high-flying pantomime adventure not to be missed. Snap up your tickets early to avoid disappointment.
Peter Pan 2023 Production team
& Cast, Dancers and Band
Director - Dean Verbeck
Seany Smee - SEAN DAVIES
Captain Hook - IAN ROACH
Tiger Lily - HANNAH BETH
Sharkbait - NATHAN WR
The Chief & Nana the dog - LUKE MESSAGGIERO
Friendship Dancers and Babes.
Choreographer – Melanie Sullivan
Raie Copp Dance Academy
Friendship Band
Musical Director - Robert Jenkins
Bass guitar - Geraint Evans
Percussion - Gareth Hamlyn
Production Team
Production Manager/Stage manager - David Jones
Assistant stage manager - Jonathan Evans
Deputy stage manager - Angela Osborn
Stage crew- Cheryl Coulthard, Rob Green, Luke Morgan, Jonathan Evans,
Amy Evans, Alex Williams, James Brice, Sian Davies, Becca Lloyd,
Jamie Jenkins, Jonathan Williams, Cassie Bennett.
Front of House - Lois Jenkins, Marc Nichols, Irene Nichols, Helen Tucker, Ebony Denman, Jordan Bateman.
Props - Sean Davies, Rhiannon Morgan
Follow Spot - Jon Rees, Rhian Rees
Sound - Stage Sound Services, Jonny Rees (Ffwrnes Theatre)
Lighting & AV Design - Mike Samuel
Lighting and Video Assistant - Gareth Evans
Scenery - Scenic Projects Ltd
Pyrotechnics - Luke Morgan
Make-up - Brian Hughes
Wardrobe - Rhiannon Morgan, Cheryl Coulthard
Costumes - John Hill of Hinkley
Marketing and Publicity - Lois Jenkins, Gareth Keatley, Tryffenna Evans, Sean Davies
A special thank you to the Technicians, Staff and management team at Theatrau Sir Gar
Officers & Committee
President - Aaron Shingler
Vice President - Leigh Halfpenny
Chairperson - Denys Jenkins BEM
Vice Chairperson - Brian Hughes
Secretary - Cheryl Coulthard
Treasurer - Gareth Keatley
Committee members- Lois Jenkins, Alan Williams, Jonathan Evans,
David Jones, Sean Davies, Tryffenna Evans

NODA Report
Author: Matt Hampson
2020 was their last Panto due to the dreaded Covid, but Friendship Theatre Group were back with not just a bang in 2023, more like an explosion of theatrical, technical and Panto brilliance. This was for me my first visit to a Friendship Panto and although I had heard great things over the years this production really did impress me. I am going to start with the technical element of this production led by production manager David Jones and Stage Manager Robert Green. It was quite simply brilliant! The set was flawless in its appearance bringing that professional touch to the stage. Flying is always expected in Peter Pan and they did this expertly - very professional, smooth and used appropriately throughout the performance. The special effects using excellent projection were well thought through and added so much to an already technically demanding show. Jonny Rees created a boombastic sound design which filled the auditorium, bringing a live gig element when required. Lighting and video designs by Mike Samuel, completed what was a superb technical element of this panto. The small but great band led by Robert Jenkins were very tight, well balanced and although click was used which is normal for Panto, the band are still integral to the end product. Great job all!
Vision is always key to Panto and I was really pleased that this Panto was not “standard”. A lot of thought went into this from Director and Writer Dean Verbeeck. It was clear that there was more concentration on Captain Hook and his thoughts, feelings and was that “time” coming! The use of the cogs in the projection worked very well for this. Time of course being the return of the Crocodile! This is Deans 14th year with Friendship and long may it continue.
Now, onto the cast. Friendship always cast very well and this year was no exception. Comedy is so important in Panto but must be at a level that both children and adults find it funny. Alan Williams playing Mami Smee and Sean Davies-Jaynes playing Seany Smee were just so perfect in their roles. Sean’s medley story song in Act 2 about the poisoning of Peter Pan was very clear and brilliantly delivered. They gelled very well together and even though they were “working” for Captain Hook, their characters were loved by the audience. The gorgeously talented Daniella Difede played the role of Wendy Darling. I am very relieved and pleased that her stunning voice was used throughout the Panto. She’s just wonderful and a great addition to the Panto. Peter Pan, I feel could have been written into this a little more, but I have to say that when Matthew Tucker was on stage, his presence was excellent and he was clearly loving the flying. The villain, Captain Hook was encapsulated by Ian Roach. The kids in front of me were discussing between them when the crocodile was going to eat him and then gasped when it happened! Perfect! That is exactly the journey you should take young audiences on when playing a villain – great job. There is no Peter with Tinker Bell and Elysia Coates brought such elegance and sweetness to a role which is very well known. I loved the use of the Heelies to glide across the stage as well as flawlessly floating through air when flying. Add in a beautiful vocal and character and you’ve got Elysia.
Heroes don’t always come in the shape of lead characters so I must mention Rhian Phipps who stepped in to play Tiger Lily on one days notice. Quite an achievement if you ask me and she delivered the role like she’d been playing it all along. I do hope Hannah Beth who originated the role is feeling better and I will hopefully see her in shows in the future.
Stephen McDermid (William Squidlips) and Nathan WR (Lenny Sharkbait) capped off the comedy with great enthusiasm and slapstick required for panto. You need characters like this who are villains but are still loved by the audience and as always in Panto, come good in the end. Great job guys! Michael played by Steffan Morgan and John played by Blake Verbeeck were gorgeous. Very well-rehearsed young actors and played the roles with an ease expected only in professional panto. Their diction and delivery was excellent! Well done lads!
There would be no panto without a cast member dressed as an animal of some sort! And of course being Peter Pan it was Nana the Dog, brought to life by Luke Messaggiero who also played the role of Chief. Small but very important roles to bring the cast review to completion.
Supporting the cast were 2 sets of young dancers. The Senior Dancers were great, very focussed, well-rehearsed and genuinely looked like they were having a ball! Then we had the Babes – well, not as in Babies but a younger dance group who once again were awesome. I’d hazard a guess and say they were Primary age group but very very good! In fact all the dancers were very, very good and that is testament to Choreographer Melanie Sullivan and the hard work put in during rehearsal.
It was great to see the theatre busy, even on a Wednesday night and then the remaining run was almost completely sold out. Friendship have continued their hugely successful Panto with an end product to fit any stage. It goes beyond amateur in my opinion and trust me the standard far exceeds that very word. Thank you for inviting me, I cannot wait for Beauty and The Beast in 2024.