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Sleeping Beauty 2015 

Cast & Production Team

Directed by - Dean Verbeeck



Fairy Blush - Daniella Difede

Malificent - Greg Arthur

King Cactus - Mark Rees 

Queen Marigold - Debbie Garratt

Princess Rose - Ania Davies 

Prince Alexis - Rhys Powell

Dame Dotty Dettol - Alan Williams

Denny Twp - Denys Jenkins

Fetch - Sean Davies

Carrie - Wynne Seaborne


Friendship Dancers and Babes.

Choreographer – Melanie Sullivan


Senior Dancers

Cerys Lewis, Caitlin Jones, Ellie Thomas, Megan Owens, Chloe Steer,

Kelsie Andrews, Bethan Jones, Kelly Mathews


Babes Team A

Eve Jones, Ellie Fencott, Lauryn Ashton, Sophie James, 

Jade Jenkins, Chloe Marie Richards


Babes Team B

Amelia Holland, Connie Dickerson, Tanisha Hanley,

Jessie Daniel Tucker, Gwennon Owens, Fharran McCord.



Friendship Band

Musical Director - Robert Jenkins

Bass guitar - Geraint Evans

Percussion - Gareth Hamlyn


Front of House Team

Lois Jenkins, Marc Nichols, Irene Nichols


Production Team

Production manager/Stage manager - David Jones

Assistant stage manager - Derek Osborn

Deputy stage manager - Angela Osborn

Stage crew - Luke Morgan, Jonathan Evans, Amy Evans, Cheryl Coulthard,

Robert Green, James Brice, 

 Jamie Jenkins, Gareth Evans

Follow spot - Jon Rees, Rhian Rees

Props - Denys Jenkins

Sound - Stage Sound Services, Cardiff

Scenery - Scenic Projects LTD/ Ffwrnes Theatre

Lighting & Video Designer - Mike Samuel

Pyrotechnics - Luke Morgan, David Jones

Make-up - Brian Hughes, Sarah Arthur

Wardrobe - Cheryl Coulthard

Costumes - John Hill of Hinkley, Behind the Seams

Publicity - Lois Jenkins, Gareth Keatley

Programmes - Denys Jenkins


A special thank you to the Technicians, Staff and management teams at Theatrau Sir Gar


Officers & Committee

President - David Gravell

Chairperson - Denys Jenkins 

Vice Chairperson - Brian Hughes

Secretary - Cheryl Coulthard

Treasurer - Gareth Keatley

Committee members- Lois Jenkins, Alan Williams, Jonathan Evans,

David Jones, Derek Osborn





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