Join Denny Twp and the rest of the Friendship cast as they try to help Jack and his mother Dame Trott defeat the giant Blunderbore. With guaranteed laughter throughout, spectacular costumes, wonderful scenery and breathtaking special effects . A pantomime not to be missed.
Jack and the beanstalk 2019 Cast & Production Team
Director - Dean Verbeck
Jack - Matthew Tucker
Jill- Daniella Difede
Denny Twp – Denys Jenkins BEM
Dame Dotty Dimple - Alan Williams
Fleshcreep - Wynne Seaborne
Squire Moneybags - Stephen McDermid
Fairy Sugardust - Hannah Beth
Snaffle - Sean Davies
Giant Buster Gut Bucket - Rob Green
Buttermilk - Stephanie Naylor
Buttermilk - Cerys Perkins
Friendship Dancers and Babes.
Choreographer – Melanie Sullivan
Senior Dancers
Kelsie Andrews – Emily James – Caitlyn Jones – Cerys Lewis – Leah Owens –
Megan Owens – Ellie Pirie – Chloe Steer – Rosie Sullivan – Ellie Thomas
Babes Team A
Neve Brooks – Connie Dickerson – Talullah Evans –
Sophie Richards – Maisy Thornhill – Holly whitworth.
Babes Team B
Tanisha Hanley – Keira Hole – Sophie James – Rose Kneath –
Violet Kneath – Madison Stokes.
Friendship Band
Musical Director - Robert Jenkins
Bass guitar - Geraint Evans
Percussion - Gareth Hamlyn
Production Team
Production Manager/Stage manager - David Jones
Assistant stage manager - Derek Osborn
Deputy stage manager - Angela Osborn
Stage crew- Cheryl Coulthard, Rob Green, Luke Morgan, Jonathan Evans,
Amy Evans, Alex Williams, James Brice, Sian Davies, Becca Lloyd,
Jamie Jenkins, Jonathan Williams, Ffen Evans
Front of House - Lois Jenkins, Marc Nichols, Irene Nichols, Helen Tucker, Ebony Denman
Props - Denys Jenkins, Sean Davies
Follow Spot - Jon Rees, Rhian Rees
Sound - Stage Sound Services, Jonny Rees (Ffwrnes Theatre)
Lighting & AV Designer - Mike Samuel
Animation Designer - Hayley Egan
Scenery - Scenic Projects Ltd
Carpentry - Jonathan Evans
Pyrotechnics - Luke Morgan
Make-up - Brian Hughes
Wardrobe - Rhiannon Morgan, Cheryl Coulthard
Costumes - John Hill of Hinkley
Marketing and Publicity - Lois Jenkins, Gareth Keatley, Tryffenna Evans
A special thank you to the Technicians, Staff and management teams at Theatrau Sir Gar
Officers & Committee
President - Aaron Shingler
Vice President - Leigh Halfpenny
Chairperson - Denys Jenkins
Vice Chairperson - Brian Hughes
Secretary - Cheryl Coulthard
Treasurer - Gareth Keatley
Committee members- Lois Jenkins, Alan Williams, Jonathan Evans,
David Jones, Sean Davies, Tryffenna Evans
NODA - National Operatic & Dramatic Association
26th January 2019
Venue: Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli
Author: Luke Spencer
Once again Friendship Theatre Group had a full house of excited children between the ages 1 and 100! This year we were treated to Jack and the Beanstalk and enjoyment was abounding.
The set as ever was lovely and bright, the special effects were plentiful and the costumes delightful. The ensemble were well-rehearsed and the choreography was good, they kept their focus on stage and they made a great sound in the company numbers.
Hannah Beth was a lovely Fairy Sugardust and her evil counter-part Fleshcreep was brilliantly played by Wynne Seaborne. Stephen McDermid gave a nice performance as Squire Moneybags and Sean Davies was gave his usual effervescent and cheeky performance, this time as Snaffle. Stephanie Naylor-Seaborne and Cerys Perkins were fabulous as Buttermilk (which ends they played I cannot tell!) and Rob Green did a great job in the enormous costume of Giant Buster Gut Bucket.
Alan Williams gave the wonderful performance as Dame Dotty Dimple that we have come to expect of this very fine performer with Matthew Tucker taking the title role of Jack beautifully and Daniella Difede giving a lovely performance as Jill. Of course Denys Jenkins was quite wonderful as Denny Twp and as ever brought the house down and was the lynch-pin for the entire show.
Congratulations to the entire company and I look forward to Aladdin next year and the adult panto night!